Developing a bioeconomy in rural Europe – AGROinLOG success story now online
The success story on AGROinLOG in now available in the database of projects and success stories of EU-funded Research and Innovation.
This article is available in 6 […]
Release of Best Practice Guidelines
Six Best Practice Guidelines were created for each of the sectors involved in AGROinLOG project. They provide an overview to agro-industries on aspects to consider when thinking on developing an […]
Scientific and peer reviewed publications within AGROinLOG project
Seven peer-reviewed papers were published in open-access scientific journals during the implementation of the AGROinLOG project.
Luca Urciuoli, Victoria Muerza […]
More than 90 participants in AGROinLOG´s final e-conference
With the presence of more than 90 participants, AGROinLOG´s final e-conference was successfully held on the 30th of June 2020. The Final Conference entitled “Promoting the development of bioeconomy […]
Next 30 June 2020, final e-Conference “Promoting the development of bioeconomy in rural areas”
This event will present the main results of the H2020-funded AGROinLOG Project about the valorization of agricultural residues in three European agro industries to produce biocommodities for new markets.
The project […]