Innovative business models
D2.5. Business models handbook
Demonstration of IBLCs
D3.7_ Success case of the integration of a logistic centre into an agroindustry of the animal feed sector
D4.8_ Success case of the integration of a logistic centre into an agro-industry of the olive oil sector
D5.7_ Success case of the integration of a logistic centre into an agro-industry of the grainmilling and feed sector
Strategies for the development of future IBLC
D6.2_ Basic analysis of targeted agricultural sectors – Full Report_All countries
D.6.2.0_Core Report D.6.2.1_Country Report_SPAIN D6.2.2.2_Country Report_GREECE D6.2.3_Country Report_SWEDEN D6.2.4_Country Report_UKRAINE D6.2.5_Country Report_SERBIA D6.2.6_European View Report