//More than 90 participants in AGROinLOG´s final e-conference

More than 90 participants in AGROinLOG´s final e-conference

With the presence of more than 90 participants, AGROinLOG´s final e-conference was successfully held on the 30th of June 2020. The Final Conference entitled “Promoting the development of bioeconomy in rural areas”, caught the interest of several different sectors from all over Europe, including biomass producers, researchers, policy makers, agro-industries, application services, agricultural associations, farmers, etc. The conference presented the main results of the project on the utilization of agricultural residues in three European agricultural industries, and the areas of olive oil, cereals, and feed for the production of bioproducts for new markets.

The agenda included presentations of both the full overview of the project and the demonstration actions implemented in Sweden, Spain, and Greece, as well as the presentation of the «European Green Deal», and an overview of the European projects AgroBioHeat and MAGIC.

You can download the presentations here:

2020-07-03T07:21:04+00:00 Ιούλιος 3rd, 2020|