//Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club”
Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” 2019-05-20T09:18:17+00:00

Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club”

NGO “Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB), established in 2007, is a business association which represents interests of leading companies of the Ukrainian agro-food sector.

The aim of UCAB’s work is to promote efficient agribusiness in Ukraine and refers to all of its processes, from recruitment and search of investment opportunities, up to practical tasks such as the increase of agricultural companies’ efficiency, and the development of proposals on improvement of agricultural policy in Ukraine.

Agrarian association

University of Belgrade

Role and main activities in AGROinLOG

The Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” will be involved into the following activities: review the state of some agro-industry sectors in Ukraine (sugar, cereal drying, fruit processing, etc.); review the documents prepared by the consortium; participation at bilateral meetings with sectorial players; prepare workshops: in respect the review of the documents prepared in the sectorial analysis, prepare sectorial workshops to get the sectors feedback; carry out a study for replication; dissemination of news; translation of brochures.