//Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España 2019-05-20T09:32:55+00:00

Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España

The main task of Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España (SPANISH CO-OPS), is to represent and defend the economic and social interests of the Spanish agricultural cooperative movement, before the National Administration, the European Union and the rest of the social and economic agents of the sector in which the agricultural cooperatives develop their activities.

SPANISH CO-OPS represents this Spanish agricultural cooperative movement and consists of 2,849 cooperative companies. These companies have an overall turnover of 13,500 million €, employ 75,412 persons directly, and are composed by more than one million associated farmers. These figures indicate that SPANISH CO-OPS, in spite of being an SME, implies and influences a bigger scope.


Agrarian association

University of Belgrade

Role and main activities in AGROinLOG

SPANISH CO-OPS will be in charge of the leadership of the assessment of the potential replicability of the IBLC in some combinations of targeted sectors and most interesting regions. Besides it will lead the interaction with EIP in order to establish an strategic networking and collaboration. SPANISH CO-OPS will participate in several actions focusing on active dissemination and stakeholders involvement.